Dysregulated mechanisms underlying Duchenne muscular dystrophy from co-expression network preservation analysis.
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Mukund K, Subramaniam S.
Information theoretic approach to complex biological network reconstruction: application to cytokine release in RAW 264.7 macrophages.
BMC Systems Biology. 2014 Jun 25; 8: 77 PubMed
Farhangmehr F, Maurya MR, Tartakovsky DM, Subramaniam S.
Time-varying causal inference from phosphoproteomic measurements in macrophage cells.
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Masnadi-Shirazi M, Maurya MR, Subramaniam S.
A Newtonian framework for community detection in undirected biological networks.
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Narayanan T, Subramaniam S.
Community Structure Analysis of Gene Interaction Networks in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
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Narayanan T, Subramaniam S.
Inferring the effective TOR-dependent network: a computational study in yeast.
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Mohammadi S, Subramaniam S, Grama A.
The poor performance of TMM on microRNA-Seq.
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Garmire LX, Subramaniam S.
Template-based combinatorial enumeration of virtual compound libraries for lipids.
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Evaluation of normalization methods in mammalian microRNA-Seq data.
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Garmire LX, Subramaniam S.
Gene-expression measurement: variance-modeling considerations for robust data analysis.
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Subramaniam S, Hsiao G.
Comparison of statistical and optimisation-based methods for data-driven network reconstruction of biochemical systems.
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Asadi, B, Maurya MR, Tartakovsky DM, Subramaniam S.
Introduction to Network Biology in “Functional Coherence of Molecular Networks to Bioinformatics.”
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Doubly Penalized LASSO Reconstruction of Biological Networks.
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Asadi B, Tartakovsky DM, Maurya MR, Subramaniam S.
Stochastic operator-splitting method for reaction-diffusion systems.
The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2012 Nov 14; 137 (18): 184102 PubMed
Choi T, Maurya MR, Tartakovsky DM, Subramaniam S.
Modularity detection in protein-protein interaction networks.
Narayanan T, Gersten M, Subramaniam S, Grama A. (2011)
A global clustering algorithm to identify long intergenic non-coding RNA–with applications in mouse macrophages.
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Garmire LX, Garmire DG, Huang W, Yao J, Glass CK, Subramaniam S.
Community detection in biological networks using a variational bayes approach.
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Narayanan T, Subramaniam S.
Comparison of statistical and optimization-based methods for data-drive network reconstruction of biochemical systems.
Asadi B, Tartakovsky DM, Maurya MR, Subramaniam S. (2010)
Regulatory network of microRNAs in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells.
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Stochastic hybrid modeling of intracellular calcium dynamics.
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Choi T, Maurya MR, Tartakovsky DM, Subramaniam S.
Classification studies based on a spectral representation of DNA.
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Bielińska-Waz D, Subramaniam S.
Mixed-integer nonlinear optimisation approach to coarse-graining biochemical networks.
Maurya MR, Bornheimer SJ, Venkatasubramanian V, Subramaniam S. (2009)
Functional coherence in domain interaction networks.
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Peak-Finding Refinement in the Chip-SEQ Experiment.
Garmire LX, Garmire DG, Benner C, Ko P, Glass CK, Subramaniam S. (2008)
A kinetic model for calcium dynamics in RAW 264.7 cells: 2. Knockdown response and long-term response.
Maurya MR, Subramaniam S. (2007)
A kinetic model for calcium dynamics in RAW 264.7 cells: 1. Mechanisms, parameters, and subpopulational variability.
Maurya MR, Subramaniam S. (2007)
Detecting conserved interaction patterns in biological networks.
Koyutürk M, Kim Y, Subramaniam S, Szpankowski W, Grama A. (2006)
Reduced-ordered modeling in biochemical networks: Application to the GTPase-cycle signaling module.
Maurya MR, Bornheimer SJ, Venkatasubramanian V, Subramaniam S. (2005)
Computational modeling reveals how interplay between components of a GTPase-cycle module regulates signal transduction.
Bornheimer SJ, Maurya MR, Farquhar MG, Subramaniam S. (2004)