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Garmire LX, Garmire DG, Huang W, Yao J, Glass CK, Subramaniam S.

Bioinformatics and systems biology of the lipidome.
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Subramaniam S, Fahy E, Gupta S, Sud M, Byrnes RW, Cotter D, Dinasarapu AR, Maurya MR.

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Narayanan T, Subramaniam S.

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Integration of lipidomics and transcriptomics data towards a systems biology model of sphingolipid metabolism.
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Lipid classification, structures and tools.
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Fahy E, Cotter D, Sud M, Subramaniam S.

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Narayanan T, Gersten M, Subramaniam S, Grama A.

Mechanisms establishing TLR4-responsive activation states of inflammatory response genes.
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Pathways, networks, and systems medicine–the meeting place of the Aegean and the mind.
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Subramaniam S, Nadeau JH.

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Garmire LX, Shen Z, Briggs S, Yeo G, Subramaniam S, Glass C.

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Dinasarapu AR, Saunders B, Ozerlat I, Azam K, Subramaniam S.

Systems physiology–the heart of the matter or a bone of contention?
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Subramaniam S, Nadeau JH.